Cara Menggunakan Software Maktabah Syamilah


As Salaamu ‘alaykum, brother Abu Zayd. Maybe it has to do with your computer’s language settings.

Maktabah Syamilah atau Shamela atau المكتبة الشاملة adalah sebuah program software pustaka digital yang berisi kumpulan kitab-kitab kuning, terdiri dari kurang lebih 1800 kitab dan dikelompokkan dalam 29 bidang.Jumlah buku (kitab) ini bisa ditambah atau pun dikurangi, dan bahkan kandungan isi kitabnya bisa dirubah (diedit) oleh setiap orang yang menggunakannya. Igo my way 842139242 android cracked iphone. Cara mengklik gambar muka Maktabah Syamilah. Mudah, cepat dan sangat ekonomis, jika dibandingkan dengan biaya untuk membeli ratusan kitab-kitab klasik. Seperti judul posting saya diatas, saya tidak akan membahas bagaimana cara menginstall software ini, terlebih cara membaca atau mengoperasikan.

Depending on your system, go to your system’s language options and change the language settings to Arabic. In Windows XP and Vista: 1) Go to “Control Panel” and open “Regional and Language Options” 2) Change all the language related list boxes to Arabic (the one that is most important is the language for non-unicode programs which is found in the last tab in XP while in Vista it is in the Administrative tab labeled “Change System Locale”. In any case, change all available language-related options to Arabic and restart your computer. Inshaa’Allaah that will fix your problem.

Note: In case you can’t find the language Arabic in some of the lists, you will need to install them from your Windows CD. If after the restart the problem still persists, you can try downloading the software from the official link which is provided in this blog, and this is the link which the developers’ website has posted.

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If even after downloading and installing this version the problem still persists, you can try contacting the developers’ website for more support. The following link is a page on the official website that contains many links related to the Shaamila: And this is the developer website’s contact webpage: •.

Wa ‘alaykumassalaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, brother Ahmad Musa. Maybe it has to do with your computer’s language settings. Depending on your system, go to your system’s language options and change the language settings to Arabic. In Windows XP and Vista: 1) Go to “Control Panel” and open “Regional and Language Options” 2) Change all the language related list boxes to Arabic (the one that is most important is the language for non-unicode programs which is found in the last tab in XP while in Vista it is in the Administrative tab labeled “Change System Locale”. In any case, change all available language-related options to Arabic and restart your computer.


Inshaa’Allaah that will fix your problem. Note: In case you can’t find the language Arabic in some of the lists, you will need to install them from your Windows CD. If after the restart the problem still persists, you can try downloading the software from the official link which is provided in this blog, and this is the link which the developers’ website has posted. If even after downloading and installing this version the problem still persists, you can try contacting the developers’ website for more support. The following link is a page on the official website that contains many links related to the Shaamila: And this is the developer website’s contact webpage: •.