Control Techniques Dpl Toolkit Software


The UD70 by Control Techniques is available new, remanufactured or repaired from. Programs for the UD70 are written on a host PC using the DPL Toolkit.

I have commissioned unidrive's with UD74's several times, and I was asked to monitor some variables etc. You can monitor (and log) the encoder value with 'DPL toolkit' using RS232. Encoder value is mapped to a parameter (which you can find out from manual of the drive. In my case it was something like p16.16) there's a RS232 port on UD7x module, connect using a conventional 9-pin cable: pin 2-to-2 3-to-3 5-to-5 When you run dpl toolkit, a message appears telling that an UD module is detected, with the name of the firmware running on it, and tries to find the source code of firmware. Ignore this message (cancel) and open the 'watch window' press ctrl-m (insert meter) and enter the number of the parameter you want, preceeded by a '#'.

For example, to monitor parameter 0.10, write: #0.10 and press return. The desired value is immediately displayed on the screen. You can use the logger to log the parameters you included, to a text file, which can later processed by a spreadsheet program.

Hope this helps. You have clicked on the '?' Button for search help. To search the site, enter your search terms in the box labeled 'search the site' and hit Enter. Some tips for better search results. • Precede each search term with a '+', as follows: • +Modbus +TCP Otherwise, any post with either term will match.

• Use double quotes around phrases, as follows: • +'Allen Bradley' +ethernetOtherwise, posts containing these words in separate locations will match. • To exclude a word, precede it with a '-', as follows: • +Modbus -Plus This will return only posts containing 'Modbus' but NOT containing 'Plus'. • Note that common words (and, that, etc.) and words shorter than 2 characters are automatically excluded from searches. Select the categories for which you would like to see messages displayed. Applications Application Questions and Problems Automation Business The Business of Automation and Control Communications Communications systems and equipment. Engineering Engineering and workplace issues. HMI Human-Machine Interface and SCADA.

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Control techniques dpl toolkit software download

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