Happy House 1 Activity Book Free Download


• Happy House is a two-year course that introduces children to English through listening and speaking and then, in the second level, provides a gentle introduction to the written word. • Happy House introduces children to English through an appealing storyline which combines both familiar contexts and a fantasy world. Children can relate to the characters Polly, Jack, and their baby sister, while also enjoying the adventures of a family of mice that live under the floorboards. • Each unit follows a very clear pattern which gives children confidence and helps them to learn. • The course involves children in a process of language learning which is fun and highly motivating. It includes catchy songs, cognitive puzzles, and colouring and drawing activities. Stickers are used in Level 1 to reinforce vocabulary in an enjoyable way.


The new Happy House 1 Activity Book offers optional extra activities and cut-outs to complement the Happy House Classbook. The Happy Alphabet Book teaches children the Roman alphabet. Student's Site. Ruby, Spike, Tina, Rodney and Otto invite you to take part in a range of practice activities.

• NEW – Level 2 provides revision and reinforcement from Level 1, combined with new material to both consolidate and further children's learning as they work with the written word for the first time. • The new Happy House 1 Activity Book offers optional extra activities and cut-outs to complement the Happy House Classbook. • The teaches children the Roman alphabet. Zawgyi one ttf free download.

• Stella Maidment and Lorena Roberts Evaluation Book • Contents Introduction....4Unit tests.... 6Skills test (Listening)... 13Skills test (Speaking)...14Answer key and audio scripts.. 15Evaluation grids...

18Evaluation sheet... 23 • IntroductionThe Happy House Evaluation Book provides different ways of evaluating children's progress, through ongoing assessment, children's self-assessment, language portfolio suggestions, and formal testing. 1 Classroom evaluationOngoing classroom evaluation is key to assessing children's progress. This can be achieved in a number of ways.

MonitoringWhen children are engaged in productive activities such as speaking or colouring, walk around the classroom and check their progress, elicit language, and offer help where appropriate. Regular reviews in the Activity BookThe purpose of the double-page review section in the Activity Book is to revise the main learning points at the end of each unit, giving you an opportunity to evaluate how much children have understood. Always start this lesson by revising the language of the unit, using flashcards to focus on vocabulary.It is also useful to sing the songs again to help children memorize the key words. You may wish to make notes on which children are still having difficulty in recognizing or producing words.These notes can be recorded later on the teacher's evaluation sheet (see below). Go through the Activity Book review activities. Explain first what children have to do to complete each exercise. Give children time to check their answers.