Install Cydia Package Without Dependencies


Astrologicheskaya programma kala. Possible solution: Installing yum-plugin-downloadonly: su -c 'yum install yum-plugin-downloadonly' Downloading all python2 and python3 libraries (make sure /tmp/cache exists): su -c 'yum --downloadonly --downloaddir=/tmp/cache install python- * python3- *' cd /tmp/cache and remove all unneeded packages - rm!(python*.rpm). Finally, install all packages: su -c 'yum --disablerepo=* --skip-broken install *.rpm' This will install all packages that have dependencies due to no repository available with additional packages.


Aug 22, 2018 - Any way to download cydia packages WITHOUT their dependencies? Download tex willer pdf gratis. Discussion in 'iPad Hacking' started by OUTL4W. Install without.