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MikroLab for Tiva is a complete solution for developing with Texas Instruments’ Tiva C Series MCUs. The kit contains an, a compiler license, additional accessories, and a free license for (valued at $99). About Tiva First introduced by Texas Instruments in 2013, Tiva C Series are the first ARM® Cortex®-M4 MCUs to be built on 65 nanometer flash process technology. The mikroProg programmer/debugger aboard the EasyMx PRO v7 for Tiva C Series development board supports 55 chips (there’s also an alternative Cortex Debugger). The hardware and software are designed to work with each other seamlessly, allowing you to reach maximum productivity while exploring the possibilities of Tiva C Series. Architecture ARM (32-bit) • ($169.00) •, or for ARM (installation on USB flash + license activation card) ($299.00) • FREE BONUS: (installation on USB flash + license activation card) ($99.00) • ($6.00) • ($4.90) • ($6.00) • ($4.50) • ( $24.00) • ($2.00) • ($7.40) • (15cm length, 10pcs) ($3.00) • (15cm length, 10pcs) ($3.00) • (15cm length, 10pcs) ($3.00) Products in the same category.
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