Naruto Sound Effects Pack Free Download


Gan ada lagi ga sound effectnya, hehe sound di hp gan. Nyari sana sini ga nemu. May 03, 2015  Unlimited DVR storage space. Live TV from 60+ channels. No cable box required. Cancel anytime.

At 3/1/09 07:53 PM, NejiRulez wrote: use the one i posted above (beast-unleashed) are you retarded, blind? Its right up there my post the username beast-unleashed that was my previous account.

I posted a link to it its right up therelol i c now, jus didnt understand wut u ment.> Amatures, it took me like five hours to find this stuff, but I copy/pasted from torrent and made it a ZIP file. It's huge because there's like two hundred sounds in it and a few mp3's in it as well.(They're also wave sounds for quality) Ha, this's what you call a compilation my friend. Once you get into the folder, go to the proper sub-folder to get what you want. There's a few in the MAIN folder, but those are back-ups in case some of em don't work. Anyway here's what you do. First open the main folder. Then select one of the many sub folders Ambiant, Aura, Goku, Freeza, Cell (and cell 2 sub folder), Gohan, Krillin, Mixed, and lastly the bonus tracks I found at Ford transit 2006 podklyuchenie avtosignalizacii.

There's just about every sound you'd need for a fan dub or mechinima for what you're thinking of. Feel free to say OMG a few thousand times when you check it out.

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Anyway here's the link, I'll dig around tomorrow to see if I can find some more characters for you, but until then enjoy! ^_^ Credit isn't mandatory, but it would be apriciated.