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Instructions Navodila You should attach this Customs declaration and accompanying documents securely to the outside of the item, preferably in an adhesive transparent envelope.

An employee card issued by the Czech Republic is a long-term residence permit for the purpose of employment in the Czech Republic. A foreigner who has an employee card is entitled to: • reside in the Czech Republic and • work in a job for which the employee card was issued and change that job with the consent of the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of Interior, or work in another job or with another employer. The employee card is for foreigners from countries that are not members of the European Union. The Czech Republic is doing its best to simplify the procedure for issuing employee cards. However, you still need to go through several steps.

Detailed procedure on. On the internet, you can search for vacancies for which you can apply for an employee card. Searching in the. If you want to employ a foreigner who does not have free access to the labour market, it is only possible if: • The foreigner is an employee card or a blue card holder, or has a certificate confirming that he has satisfied the conditions for issuing this card. Employee cards and blue cards are both a residence permit and a work permit. • or he has a valid work permit (if required under the Labour Code) and a valid employee card (in the non-dual document mode). An employee card, blue card and work permit are issued for a specific job with a specific employer.

In terms of employment arrangements, they are equivalent to each other. Each of these permits may be granted under specific circumstances. For example, for blue cards, the law stipulates the conditions pertaining to the job for which the blue card is intended.

More detailed comparison of. In order for a foreigner to submit an application for an employee card for a specific job vacancy, this vacancy must be included in the central records of vacancies available for employee cards. The employer must report: • that a foreigner has commenced his employment • any expected changes in the foreigner's job position • that a foreigner has not commenced his employment • termination of a foreigner's employment prior to the expiration of the validity of the employee card More about.

Important warning for Employment Agencies In response to frequently asked questions, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs advises (announces) that: In accordance with the provisions of Section 62 Paragraph 3 of Act no. 435/2004 Coll., on employment, as amended, the permit to broker employment is issued for a maximum period of 3 years and this term may not be extended. Should they wish to continue to provide brokering activities, Employment Agencies must submit a new application for a permit to broker employment, with all the attachments stipulated by law, and follow a new administrative procedure in accordance with the provisions of Section 37 of Act no. Goofball goals keygen software.

Obrazec Spravki Ot Predsedatelya Snt

500/2004 Coll., the Code of Administrative Procedure, as amended, by filing for a new permit to broker employment. The same applies to Employment Agencies that have a valid permit to broker employment, but require to extend their current scope of activities (to other states, or to different forms of brokerage – which were previously not authorized). A new application for a permit to broker employment, with all the attachments stipulated by law, must be submitted, and a new administrative procedure followed, in accordance with the provisions of Section 37 of Act no. 500/2004 Coll., the Code of Administrative Procedure, as amended, by filing for a new permit to broker employment, in the scope of the application submitted.