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Whitepapers, how-to guides, e-books, and more are available for free download from Cadalyst and our sponsors. Check out the following free resources that can help you make the most of the hardware and software that powers your CAD workflow.

What Makes a Mobile Workstation? Cadalyst has asked the question, 'What makes a mobile workstation?' Before, but in today's fast-moving market, the answers are changing. This overview explores the rapidly evolving market, describes the three primary product tiers, and explains why professional-grade components or systems can better serve designers and engineers. Download this updated guide to learn about new technologies affecting the market, which factors differentiate mobile workstations from standard laptops, and what to expect from entry-level, midrange, and high-end models.

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From the editors of Cadalyst. CAD Workstation Form Factors 101 With so many types of workstation models on the market today — and new arrivals appearing all the time — the options for CAD professionals have become much more diverse. While the proliferation of mobile, mini, remote, and even luggable form factors creates more flexibility, it also can create confusion. To get a clearer view of your options, download this 30-page guide, which compiles workstation expert Alex Herrera's entire five-part form factor series into one convenient resource.

It's packed with clear, detailed explanations and illustrations that can inform your workstation selection process. From the editors of Cadalyst. Workstation vs. PC: Which Performed Better? In the race to meet design deadlines, which options wins — a gaming PC or a professional workstation? Led by hardware expert Alex Herrera, Cadalyst put that question to the test, running CAD-related benchmark tests to evaluate the performance of a $2,200 professional CAD workstation against a $2,100 PC outfitted for gaming. See the results in this 11-page white paper — based on actual benchmark results — and decide for yourself which option makes sense to support your workload.

Sponsored by Intel. Choose the Right CPUs for CAD Workstations When it comes to the options available in workstation-caliber CPUs for CAD professionals, OEMs and users alike are seeing an expanding choice of brands and configurations to choose from. And while that might make for a more challenging shopping exercise, a few simple guidelines from workstation expert Alex Herrera can help you narrow choices down quickly and outfit your next CAD machine with an optimal CPU for your workload. From the editors of Cadalyst. A Closer Look at State-of-the-Art Workstation Technology Both workstations and standard PCs comprise components such as processors, memory, and storage disks, right?

So why, then, do workstations outperform standard PCs by such wide margins? CAD management expert Robert Green explains how the components in workstations utilize state-of-the-art technologies that standard PCs simply don’t offer — and that cutting-edge technology makes all the difference when it comes to supporting compute- and graphics-intensive applications. Sponsored by HP and Windows 10 Pro. CAD Manager’s Guide to the HP Z2 Mini Workstation This guide, developed by the editors of Cadalyst, includes three exclusive articles developed especially for CAD managers: '7 Reasons CAD Managers Can’t Ignore the HP Z2 Mini,' 'How the HP Z2 Mini Makes Your Job Easier,' and 'Is the HP Z2 Mini Right for Your CAD Staff?' Download your copy now to learn why and how this miniature marvel could be just the answer for supporting 2D and entry-level 3D CAD work without breaking the bank. Sponsored by HP and Windows 10 Pro.